
Skrypty [VXAce] - Control Text

pw1602 - Czw 28 Cze, 2012 22:25
Temat postu: Control Text
~ Control Text ~

Krótki opis:
Skrypt pozwala na dodanie ikony do przypisanego tekstu.

Victor Sant

RPG Maker VX Ace


# ** Victor Engine - Control Text
# Author : Victor Sant
# Version History:
# v 1.00 - 2012.01.02 > First relase
# v 1.01 - 2012.01.04 > Added break line (\n)
# v 1.02 - 2012.01.07 > Added constant to set the usage of control codes
# > Added manual control text code
# > Removed the new control codes, they're going to be
# added with a separated script.
# > Added text replace constant for small text box
# v 1.03 - 2012.01.10 > Added compatibility with Control Codes
# v 1.04 - 2012.01.15 > Added compatibility with Target Arrow
# v 1.05 - 2012.03.15 > Compatibility with ENG version/VXAce_SP1
# This script allows the use to use Control Codes (\c[x], \n[x] and such)
# in every text in a window. By default, only the message box and help text
# have this feature. But with this script you can use it in any window.
# Compatibility
# Requires the script 'Victor Engine - Basic Module' v 1.07
# * Overwrite methods (Default)
# class Window_Base < Window
# def process_normal_character(c, pos)
# * Alias methods (Default)
# class Window_Base < Window
# def draw_text(*args)
# def convert_escape_characters(text)
# Instructions:
# To instal the script, open you script editor and paste this script on
# a new section on bellow the Materials section. This script must also
# be bellow the script 'Victor Engine - Basic'
# Additional instructions:
# Text with codes have a slow process, slower than the default draw text
# (wich is very slow by itself). Also, text with codes won't stretch to
# fit the text width. So you can set if all text will automatically use codes
# or if only specified text will do.
# If VE_AUTOMATIC_TEXT_CODE = true, all text will automatically use codes,
# if false you will need to add the code \# at the start of any text
# you might want to use control codes.
# Some of the database boxes have limited space, and would be hard to add
# some codes on them, so you can have the script to replace these text
# by using the code \r[code], this will make the text be replaced with the
# text set on the script setting VE_TEXT_REPLACE.
# Text within strings on the script editor using double quotation (""), like
# the ones on the Vocab module, needs two backslashes to use the codes.
# E.g.:
# Emerge = "%s \\c[1]emerged!\\c[0]"
# The text will not stretch to fit the window if it's the text width is
# larger than the text width.

# ** Victor Engine
# Setting module for the Victor Engine

module Victor_Engine
# * Set the automatic text control codes
# when false, it's needed to add \# on the start of the text to use
# control codes
# * Set the automatic text raplace
# The text here will replace the code when you use the code \r[code]
# The code must be downcase and have no white space.
new: "\\#\\i[125]\\c[4]New Game\\c[0]",
load: "\\#\\i[126]\\c[3]Continue\\c[0]",
shut: "\\#\\i[127]\\c[2]Shutdown\\c[0]",
} # Don't remove
# * required
# This method checks for the existance of the basic module and other
# VE scripts required for this script to work, don't edit this
def self.required(name, req, version, type = nil)
if !$imported[:ve_basic_module]
msg = "The script '%s' requires the script\n"
msg += "'VE - Basic Module' v%s or higher above it to work properly\n"
msg += "Go to http://victorscripts.wordpress.com/ to download this script."
msgbox(sprintf(msg, self.script_name(name), version))
self.required_script(name, req, version, type)
# * script_name
# Get the script name base on the imported value, don't edit this
def self.script_name(name, ext = "VE")
name = name.to_s.gsub("_", " ").upcase.split
name.collect! {|char| char == ext ? "#{char} -" : char.capitalize }
name.join(" ")

$imported ||= {}
$imported[:ve_control_text] = 1.04
Victor_Engine.required(:ve_control_text, :ve_basic_module, 1.07, :above)
Victor_Engine.required(:ve_control_text, :ve_control_code, 1.00, :bellow)

# ** Window_Base
# This is a superclass of all windows in the game.

class Window_Base < Window
# * Overwrite method: process_normal_character
def process_normal_character(c, pos)
w = text_size(c).width
draw_text_ve_control_text(pos[:x], pos[:y], w * 2, pos[:height], c)
pos[:x] += w
# * Alias method: obtain_escape_code
alias :obtain_escape_code_ve_control_text :obtain_escape_code
def obtain_escape_code(text)
text =~ /^#/i ? text.slice!(/^#/i) :
# * Alias method: draw_text
alias :draw_text_ve_control_text :draw_text
def draw_text(*args)
text = args[0].is_a?(Rect) ? args[1].to_s : args[4].to_s
if VE_AUTOMATIC_TEXT_CODE || text =~ /\\[#]/i
# * Alias method: convert_escape_characters
alias :convert_escape_characters_ve_control_text :convert_escape_characters
def convert_escape_characters(text)
result = text.to_s.clone
result = text_replace(result)
result = convert_escape_characters_ve_control_text(result)
end until !result.include?("\\")
result.gsub!(/\a/) { "\\" }
# * Alias method: draw_code_text
def draw_code_text(*args)
is_rect = args[0].is_a?(Rect)
x = is_rect ? args[0].x : args[0]
y = is_rect ? args[0].y : args[1]
w = is_rect ? args[0].width : args[2]
h = is_rect ? args[0].height : args[3]
t = is_rect ? args[1].to_s : args[4].to_s
a = is_rect ? args[2] : args[5]
@text_align = a
@text_width = w
@text_height = h
@original_text = t.dup
draw_text_ve(x, y, t)
# * Alias method: text_replace
alias :text_replace_ve_control_text :text_replace
def text_replace(result)
result = text_replace_ve_control_text(result)
result.gsub!(/\e\e/) { "\a" }
result.gsub!(/\e\#/) { "" }
result.gsub!(/\eR\[(\w+)\]/i) { VE_TEXT_REPLACE[$1.downcase.to_sym] }
# * New method: reset_font_settings_ve
def reset_font_settings_ve
contents.font.bold = Font.default_bold
contents.font.italic = Font.default_italic
contents.font.shadow = Font.default_shadow
contents.font.outline = Font.default_outline
contents.font.out_color = Font.default_out_color
# * New method: process_character_ve
def process_character_ve(c, t, p)
case c
when "\n" then process_new_line_ve(t, p)
when "\f" then process_new_page(t, p)
when "\e" then process_escape_character(obtain_escape_code(t), t, p)
else process_normal_character(c, p)
# * New method: process_new_line_ve
def process_new_line_ve(text, pos)
pos[:x] = get_x(pos[:new_x])
pos[:y] += pos[:height]
pos[:height] = calc_line_height(text)
# * New method: draw_text_ve
def draw_text_ve(x, y, text)
text = convert_escape_characters(text)
pos = {x: get_x(x), y: y, new_x: x, height: @text_height}
process_character_ve(text.slice!(0, 1), text, pos) until text.empty?
# * New method: get_x
def get_x(x)
pos = 0
c = @original_text.slice!(0, 1)
text_width = text_size(c).width
pos += text_width unless ["\n", "\f", "\e", "\a"].include?(c)
end until c == "\n" || @original_text.empty?
case @text_align
when 1 then x + (@text_width - pos) / 2
when 2 then x + (@text_width - pos)
else x


Dodatkowe informacje:
1. Skrypt należy umieścić nad "Main".
2. Nie dodaję demo, ponieważ screeny wszystko wyjaśniają.

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